Google Docs 404

That, my friends, is not a pretty site (pun intended). Google Docs and a 404 error. As of this post, I still can’t load it up.

Categorized as Google

Google Has Acquired YouTube

We interrupt this broadcast to bring you a special information update – Google just BOUGHT OUT YouTube for $1.65 billion. This is Google’s largest acquisition, and one of the largest Web 2.0 acquistions to date. Buy your Google stock now if you hadn’t already!! YouTube is the most popular Internet video site, with more than… Continue reading Google Has Acquired YouTube

Google Reader

I know I’ve already mentioned this in a few emails to certain people, but the word really needs to get out – the new Google Reader is awesome! I’ve been using Bloglines since 2004, patiently waiting for Google to release an RSS feed aggregator. When they finally did, the result was horrid. The first incarnation… Continue reading Google Reader

Categorized as Google, Web Amazing!

So… I posted this from, Google’s new web-based word processor, chock-full of AJAX goodness. Some features it has (and this is from me just using it in the last 5 minutes – I haven’t looked at the feature list yet): Upload Microsoft Word and documents Save as Word, ODT, PDF, HTML, or publish… Continue reading Amazing!

Categorized as Google, Web

Gmail is now Google Mail!

Gmail is now Google Mail! You heard it here first, folks! Also: Who thinks it was law-suit related? UPDATE: I guess it was for temporary testing, because as of 10:51am the next morning, it is back to Gmail. I knew I should’ve taken pictures.

Categorized as Google

Google Calendar, part 2

Well, as it seems, Google still hasn’t activated, so it looks like we’ll be waiting forever. But while you wait, check out HipCal, an awesome AJAX-driven calendar with some great features. While it isn’t integrated with GMail, it’ll do for now. In other news, Google Video is now offering MacGyver episodes, along with 5… Continue reading Google Calendar, part 2

Google Calendar

I just realized that I’m not keeping a consistent calendar. I need to. But, there isn’t any offering that meets my (and most of the Web 2.0 generation’s) needs yet. I can’t use Outlook Calendar. It’s too clunky, and only portable when you’re part of a corporation with Exchange, which I’m not anymore. I can’t… Continue reading Google Calendar

Categorized as Google