Meet the Walkens

Hayee… you guyees… you’ll… NEvuh believe… the SNL clip… I suaw… on Hulu! In other news, it’s great to see a comedian who’s comfortable enough to surround himself with several horrible impersonators.

The Big Bang Theory

This is what happens when producers who brought us “Two and Half Men” decided that a sitcom with beauty and geeks would be a whole lot funnier than that reality show “Beauty and the Geek”. But funny is a relative term, and in this case, you’d probably have to know geeky trivia, like when precisely… Continue reading The Big Bang Theory

O’Reilly on Oprah

Forget Kyl vs. Pederson. Forget Graf vs. Giffords. Oprah asked Bill O’Reilly on to her own “No Spin Zone” for a little “Town Hall” discussion. Yeah! I’m actually watching as I’m writing this, so we’ll wait and see who “wins.” It’s getting a little tense. I love a good fight! Update: To make things clear,… Continue reading O’Reilly on Oprah

Google Has Acquired YouTube

We interrupt this broadcast to bring you a special information update – Google just BOUGHT OUT YouTube for $1.65 billion. This is Google’s largest acquisition, and one of the largest Web 2.0 acquistions to date. Buy your Google stock now if you hadn’t already!! YouTube is the most popular Internet video site, with more than… Continue reading Google Has Acquired YouTube

Star Trek XI – Captain Matt and Mr. Ben

After reading through several unsubstantiated rumors, I decided to photoshop a mockup of Matt Damon as Captain Kirk and Ben Affleck as Mr. Spock, for the upcoming Star Trek XI movie. I can tell you now, it’s not going to work. Please, Paramount Pictures, think of the children. Source image:

July YouTube Mashups

I guess I’m still a geek, because these are friggin hilarious! All Your Snakes Are Belong To Us (AYB / Snakes on a Plane Mashup) Star Trek Camelot (Star Trek TOS / Monty Python Mashup)

New CEA Ad Plays The Right Tune

The CEA (Consumer Electronics Association) is running an ad intended for Congresscritters, debunking the RIAA’s efforts for regulation on Satellite radio. These qoutes from past RIAA/MPAA representatives, on previous technologies, are great for persuading anyone away from DRM (digital rights/restrictions management). “I forsee a marked deterioration in American music…and a host of other injuries to… Continue reading New CEA Ad Plays The Right Tune