I think FB’s problem with lists was their approach. To them it was a privacy feature and like many of their privacy features it isn’t well communicated or implemented for the user. Google seems to have this down. “You want to share something? Who do you want to share it with?” Done. – Brent Mitchell,… Continue reading What’s so great about Google+ Circles?
Category: Web
Addicted to Information: 5 Tips to Filter out the Noise
With so much information available to us, it becomes increasingly important to know how to get the right information. Sometimes that means going to the right places and sometimes that means filtering out the noise. 1. Forward mission-critical emails to your phone’s SMS If you use Gmail with an iPhone, you probably miss the push… Continue reading Addicted to Information: 5 Tips to Filter out the Noise
Comment system
I’m disabling the comment moderation feature. This means first-time commenters should be able leave a comment and it will appear instantly. I had been policing the comments because of a recent spam outbreak, but I think it’s under control now. So, no more waiting a few hours for me to check my email and see… Continue reading Comment system
Twitter is like the global chatroom
I just found a fun site that shows real-time geolocated Twitter updates on a 3D globe. Says TechCrunch’s Jason Kincaid: TwittEarth, is eye-candy at its finest – a mesmerizing and mostly useless diversion that sticks you in space and whips you around the globe to see a new geo-located tweet every ten seconds. Tweets are… Continue reading Twitter is like the global chatroom
Best. Magic Eye. Ever.
Click the image to see the full version. It’s easiest to do the “Magic Eye” thing when the image is in the center of your screen. I’ve seen pictures on patterns, and pictures on text, but I’ve never seen text on text. So simple yet so amazing. HINT: If you have trouble seeing it, try… Continue reading Best. Magic Eye. Ever.
In Defense of Complaining
Should companies be immune from complaints? Cory Doctorow put together an answer to that question. Cory is one of my new heroes, I think. I’m always astounded by this reaction. Companies aren’t charities. They’re businesses. It doesn’t matter why they’re offering an unacceptable product — all that matters is that the product is unacceptable. Companies… Continue reading In Defense of Complaining
insert obligatory apology here
Obligatory Apology (thanks to Matt, btw, for the update post format I’ve borrowed) Wow, I’ve become fantastically awful at blogging regularly. I hear that the less you blog, the more likely your friends will remove you from their blogrolls and feedreaders. Hey, at least we’ve seen some pic postings from Jenny at various big events… Continue reading insert obligatory apology here
Google Docs 404
That, my friends, is not a pretty site (pun intended). Google Docs and a 404 error. As of this post, I still can’t load it up.
April Fools
I hate the Internet on April Fools. In other news, Blizzard has released a Tinfoil Hat item in the WoW Armory, wireless power is now available, Google has released Gmail Paper, The Pirate Bay found a permanent location (the North Korean embassy in Stockholm, Sweden), and Julianne Moore is set to play Dana Scully in… Continue reading April Fools
Big Brother tag and Google Reader
I use Google Reader as my primary feed reader, and I read a lot of feeds. I like to see every item that comes down the pipe from news sites such as Slashdot, Digg, and BoingBoing. Recently I discovered a way to tag individual items (stories) in Google Reader, and I also figured out that… Continue reading Big Brother tag and Google Reader