Northern Cali Vacay

Last week, we went to visit Connie and Neal. They are our BFF’s, and we missed/miss them terribly. At least they moved to a beautiful place to visit instead of, like, Alabama or something. Our trip in a nutshell: Beer. Wine. Food. Beer. Wine. Oh, and sushi. Day 1: We flew into Oakland. Connie picked us… Continue reading Northern Cali Vacay

Categorized as Personal


(*gasp* A new blog post?!?) Matt and I traveled someplace totally lame and boring last week. Hawaii. Specifically, Molokai. I know, I know. Ugh. Well, actually, the whole story about our adventure getting there is very “ugh”. Short version: insanely long security lines at Sky Harbor -> missed flight -> new flight to Kona (big… Continue reading Aloha!

A year ago …

Exactly 365 days ago, we were in China. Specifically in Jianjiagang. Meanwhile, back home, Beebop was suffering from major migraines. Communication back home was not often, and so we didn’t know what was going on. I think we found out she was getting an MRI towards the end of our trip. I think we got home… Continue reading A year ago …

Categorized as Personal

Roman Holiday: Day 1

A loooooong day of travel. Tuscon to Denver. Four hour layover. Denver to Munich. Three hour layover. Munich to Rome. About 24 hours of total travel time. Our layover in Frankfurt: Very tired. But on to Rome. We arrived at the airport. Retrieved our luggage. Bought a bus ticket to get to Rome. Waited for… Continue reading Roman Holiday: Day 1

Caribbean Cruise: Part 2

Day 5: St. Bart’s This island is very small, French, and very ritzy/expensive. Fancy shops lined the streets (Louis Vitton, Cartier, etc), and everything was in Euro, which is not cheaper than the dollar. We had to tender in (aka, take a small shuttle boat). Huge cruise ships cannot even get close enough to tender.… Continue reading Caribbean Cruise: Part 2

Categorized as Cruises

Caribbean Cruise: Part 1

Well, we have been back to reality for about a week and a half now. It was definitely a vacation I did not want to end! For Phil, it wasn’t so much a vacation. He worked most of the time. However, I was able to drag him out from time to time. All in all,… Continue reading Caribbean Cruise: Part 1

Categorized as Cruises

Adventures in China: Day 32

Day 32 and Technically Day 33: Traveling to Beijing, Wondrous Sightseeing, and then Getting Kicked Out of Our Hotel   As I left off in my previous post, call was at midnight. We were taking a bus overnight to Beijing. We were doing this so that we would get there in the early morning and have all… Continue reading Adventures in China: Day 32

Categorized as China 2012