Split Browser: Firefox Add-on

Have you ever found yourself browsing with Firefox, only to find that you have WAY too many tabs open? I found an extension to relieve the tabbed thought processes a bit. Split Browser does just what it says – it lets you split the browser window in to several panes. A right-left pane works really… Continue reading Split Browser: Firefox Add-on

Categorized as Firefox, Web

Combined blogs

Jenny and I are trying an experiment – combining our blogs. I imported as much as I could from her Xanga site. We’ll probably also be working on a new theme that fits the new site name – Philip and Jenny Cain: InspiredMumblings. (Hopefully it means I’ll stop ranting about politics) Everyone should benefit –… Continue reading Combined blogs

Where are the left-handed microwave ovens?

We’ve moved our microwave oven into a little corner in the kitchen recently. It makes it a little difficult to open the left-hinged door. So, I’ve been searching the Internet for alternative microwave ovens with either reversible doors (like our fridge) or a left-handed door with a right hinge. So far, nothing. Do they not… Continue reading Where are the left-handed microwave ovens?


I recently discovered a new addition to the WordPress family: WordPressMU (multi-user). It is basically a single installation of WordPress, modified to allow multiple blogs per user and multiple users per blog. Translation: it is a near-perfect content management system for businesses and organizations who want a CMS instead of paying a proper webmaster. I’ll… Continue reading WordPressMU

Digg Detection and New Theme Coming

I’ve already implemented Digg detection on blog posts. If you’ve been living under the anti-Internet rock, you may not be aware of Digg. Digg is a social news/bookmarking site, where users submit articles, blogposts and sometimes random pages. Then all the other users “digg” or “bury” that article. Somehow, using a bit of social Web… Continue reading Digg Detection and New Theme Coming

Categorized as Web

Google Has Acquired YouTube

We interrupt this broadcast to bring you a special information update – Google just BOUGHT OUT YouTube for $1.65 billion. This is Google’s largest acquisition, and one of the largest Web 2.0 acquistions to date. Buy your Google stock now if you hadn’t already!! YouTube is the most popular Internet video site, with more than… Continue reading Google Has Acquired YouTube

Google Reader

I know I’ve already mentioned this in a few emails to certain people, but the word really needs to get out – the new Google Reader is awesome! I’ve been using Bloglines since 2004, patiently waiting for Google to release an RSS feed aggregator. When they finally did, the result was horrid. The first incarnation… Continue reading Google Reader

Categorized as Google, Web

Avast! Talk Like a Pirate Day!

Arrrrr! Today be an imp’rtant fer scallywags n’ pirates… today be the International Talk Like a Pirate Day! Me question fer you is – be ya a Cap’n Jack pirate, a Barbosa pirate, or a Davy Jones? Ya see, matey, arrrrr! Thar be diff’rent ways’a talkin’ like a bonafied pirate. Thar be awful pirates, like… Continue reading Avast! Talk Like a Pirate Day!