SOPA and PIPA are copyright bills that are coming up to a vote soon in US Congress. SOPA – the “Stop Online Piracy Act” – is the House version, and PIPA – the “Protect IP Act” – is the Senate version. You may have heard SOPA and PIPA mentioned in the news recently. You may… Continue reading SOPA and PIPA Explained
Category: Politics
Are usually evil.
Ultra-Minimalist Political Ad
I’m not endorsing any candidate or party, but I had to post this as it is the cheapest and funniest political ad I’ve ever seen.
Where are the politicians who support peace? Goodwill? Love? Patience? Kindness? Compassion? I have no friends nor champions in this Democratic Congress and Republican White House. I’m so disgusted, I’m having trouble sharing the context of this post. Just follow any news source (but if you choose Fox News, try to at least get a… Continue reading Disgusted…
Don’t Criticize the Iraq Occupation
The White House just released this Executive Order: Read it and then reread it. It’s for real. There are no 5th Amendment rights or Habeas Corpus available for anyone who falls under the specified criteria of posing “a significant risk of committing an act or acts of violence…” in regards to the Iraq occupation,… Continue reading Don’t Criticize the Iraq Occupation
Worst Digg comment ever
“So who cares? No one in the world gives a f**k about atheists anyway.” That comment says a lot about the commenter. I saw it on this article about the first openly nontheist Congress member.
NeoCon Buzzword Bingo
How to play: * 1. Tune into CSPAN, PBS, CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, the Fascist News Netw…errr, FOX, or even one of the traditional three networks. * 2. Wait for a NeoCon or proxy to appear at a speaking engagement, press conference, interview, or talking head confrontation. * 3. Mark off squares as buzzwords are used.… Continue reading NeoCon Buzzword Bingo
Don’t forget to vote!
While you’re out there rubberstamping your favorite politicians, remember this documentary: [googlevideo][/googlevideo] HBO SPECIAL: Hacking Democracy Skip ahead to 1:09:46 for the absolute best part: a “real-world” hack of an electronic voting machine, using only a tampered memory card.
David Nolan
He founded the Libertarian Party. I am baffled as to why he is running in our district (8). Unless of course, he lives here. In that case I’m just surprised that he lives here. Sorry for the recent onslaught of political posts. That’s what blogs are useful for, though.
O’Reilly on Oprah
Forget Kyl vs. Pederson. Forget Graf vs. Giffords. Oprah asked Bill O’Reilly on to her own “No Spin Zone” for a little “Town Hall” discussion. Yeah! I’m actually watching as I’m writing this, so we’ll wait and see who “wins.” It’s getting a little tense. I love a good fight! Update: To make things clear,… Continue reading O’Reilly on Oprah
How to Hack the Vote
“In all this time, I’ve yet to find a good way to convey to the non-technical public how well and truly screwed up we presently are, six years after the Florida recount. So now it’s time to hit the panic button: In this article, I’m going to show you how to steal an election.” from… Continue reading How to Hack the Vote