New Theme, and Hedgehogs

This post doesn’t have anything to do with hedgehogs, I just think this photo is freaking awesome. We’re experimenting with a new theme on, one that hopefully will work side-by-side with The theme base is Mystique by digitalnature. It has a ton of options! If you are a WordPress admin, definitely give the Mystique… Continue reading New Theme, and Hedgehogs

New Hosting!

We just finished up switching to a new hosting service, DreamHost. DreamHost really is a dream when it comes to running a website. I highly recommend it. If you find any problems in the RSS feed or elsewhere on the site, let me know. I also just upgrade to WordPress 3 and converted to… Continue reading New Hosting!

Categorized as Technology

Twitter kills blogging

The advent of Twitter and Facebook microblogging has really put a block on my blogging consistency. Especially Twitter: if I can’t say what I need to say in under 160 characters, is it really worth saying? And so the blog goes untouched and unnoticed. And that is even as I hardly have any excuse, now… Continue reading Twitter kills blogging

Categorized as Technology

iPhone 3G Battery Life is Actually Good Now

When I first got my iPhone 3G, battery life was pathetic. I’d have to recharge the dang thing before I even got home from work. The 2.1 software update promised us better 3G reception, fewer dropped calls, but most importantly, “significantly better battery life for most users”. I had my doubts, especially since the 2.0.2… Continue reading iPhone 3G Battery Life is Actually Good Now

iPhone 3G (update)

Okay, so I can’t describe how cool my new iPhone is. The only bad thing is that not all apps have a landscape keyboard, including the new WordPress app. Thus today’s post is super short.

Categorized as Technology

In Defense of Complaining

Should companies be immune from complaints? Cory Doctorow put together an answer to that question. Cory is one of my new heroes, I think. I’m always astounded by this reaction. Companies aren’t charities. They’re businesses. It doesn’t matter why they’re offering an unacceptable product — all that matters is that the product is unacceptable. Companies… Continue reading In Defense of Complaining

Delicious Library

UPDATE: There was a video here, but I can’t seem to get it working. Basically, Delicious Library is a sweet Mac app that can keep track of your DVDs, books, etc… and it can scan barcodes from your iSight camera! Link

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