Surge in Recent Activity

So Phil “inspired” me (get it? I was inspired by InspiredMumblings? hahahah…..) to write a post. More like post a pic. A few weekends ago, I flew out to San Diego for the Harrison Fest. Coincidentally enough, it was a family reunion that was put together b/c my Nana turned 80….must be the thing to… Continue reading Surge in Recent Activity

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I hope you have a wonderful day as a 25 year old! I love you with all my heart, and I am thankful to share this day with you!

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Summer is over???

Where did it go? What did I do with all that time? Oh yeah…I traveled a lot! I had a great summer, and I am actually excited about being back to work. I think a big part of that is only being at ONE school, instead of two! It is wonderful!!!! I don’t know how… Continue reading Summer is over???

We’re hoooome!!!

Finally!!!! It seriously felt like we were gone for a bazillion weeks instead of just one…probably because of all the driving….I think we drove about 1000 miles total….maybe more. We are exhausted and happy to see our kitties (they are doing fine….I don’t even think they missed us!). We have lots of fun stories and… Continue reading We’re hoooome!!!

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And we’re off…

We left town yesterday for a week. We are currently in Overgaard, AZ (somewhere in between Payson and Sholow) for a family reunion with all of Phil’s extended family. The cabins we are staying in are very nice, so far the food is pretty decent, and the weather is cooler than Tucson by about 10… Continue reading And we’re off…

It’s official…

My summer break technically started a week ago. But, alas, I had a workshop all week long, 8 am -4 pm every day. And now….I’M DONE!!!!! So summer vacation officially begins right…NOW! Whatever am I going to do with all this time off?? It usually takes me a few weeks to adjust from the busy-busy-Jenny… Continue reading It’s official…

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A Recap…

So, I realized it’s not just blogging that I’ve been neglecting this last semester. I’ve neglected everything internet related – email (except when necessary), myspace, reading other people’s blogs, and my picture uploading on flickr. I fell off the wagon, but there may be hope of my getting back on. Here is a visual recap… Continue reading A Recap…

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