Human-Animal Hybrids

“A hopeful society has institutions of science and medicine that do not cut ethical corners, and that recognize the matchless value of every life. Tonight I ask you to pass legislation to prohibit the most egregious abuses of medical research — human cloning in all its forms — creating or implanting embryos for experiments, creating… Continue reading Human-Animal Hybrids

Categorized as Web

Gmail is now Google Mail!

Gmail is now Google Mail! You heard it here first, folks! Also: Who thinks it was law-suit related? UPDATE: I guess it was for temporary testing, because as of 10:51am the next morning, it is back to Gmail. I knew I should’ve taken pictures.

Categorized as Google

Consolidate Your Email Accounts

Do you have too many email addresses? You know, one for work, one for home, one for spam, one for that not-profit you’re involved with? I have a solution: GMail! I’ve finally consolidated all my email addresses into a single GMail account. I receive mail from each of the accounts, and I can send email… Continue reading Consolidate Your Email Accounts

Categorized as Web

Google Calendar, part 2

Well, as it seems, Google still hasn’t activated, so it looks like we’ll be waiting forever. But while you wait, check out HipCal, an awesome AJAX-driven calendar with some great features. While it isn’t integrated with GMail, it’ll do for now. In other news, Google Video is now offering MacGyver episodes, along with 5… Continue reading Google Calendar, part 2

Google Calendar

I just realized that I’m not keeping a consistent calendar. I need to. But, there isn’t any offering that meets my (and most of the Web 2.0 generation’s) needs yet. I can’t use Outlook Calendar. It’s too clunky, and only portable when you’re part of a corporation with Exchange, which I’m not anymore. I can’t… Continue reading Google Calendar

Categorized as Google

Firefox Multiple-Tab Homepages

Here’s a neat trick that your trusty Firefox can perform: 1. Open up all the sites you read every morning/afternoon/evening. I decided on Gmail (which collects all my mail accounts) and Bloglines (which collects all my RSS feeds). Open each site in a separate tab. 2. Now in the Options (Preferences in Linux) dialogue, click… Continue reading Firefox Multiple-Tab Homepages

Categorized as Web

My Geek Score

I was hoping for higher, but Supreme Computer Geek should suffice.

Categorized as Personal, Web

Google Blogsearch

Holy crap awesome! It is crazy easy to find others’ blog posts, let alone my own posts. I think the technology that went into it included robots sniffing for WordPress and friends. Maybe blogs aren’t that overblown, after all? I for one welcome our new (well, not that new) Google overlords.

Categorized as Google

I Hate Gmail

Stupid Gmail. I hate Gmail. Stop threading messages. Since when should an email client make sense? Stop labeling messages and start putting them in folders. Since when should anything be organized? Stop giving me so much storage. Since when do online services offer something valuable? They keep adding more storage faster than I can keep… Continue reading I Hate Gmail

Categorized as Google