Considering it is 2:40am, I’m sitting in a Freenode chatroom (#Ubuntu) with over 1000 other geeks, and until just a few moments ago was eagerly anticipating the scheduled release of the next version of Ubuntu. Not only did I feel the Internet noticeably slow (okay that’s hyperbole), I’m watching before my very eyes a… Continue reading Ubuntu 6.06 LTS is released, I possibly have no life
Category: Personal
Life is a roller coaster
Whoever first made that analogy was dead on. The musical aspects of my life certainly have cycles, but now I’m beginning to see that those cycles are even part of much larger peaks and valleys. Let’s take a look at the history. When I graduated high school and started college, I was: Leading worship in… Continue reading Life is a roller coaster
Ala Consumerism
“Are you spoiled? Go through the list. Tick everything you have or have done. If you can tick 40 or more, you’re spoiled. ” (x) your own cell phone () a television in your bedroom (x) an iPod (x) a photo printer (x) your own phone line () TiVo or a generic digital video recorder… Continue reading Ala Consumerism
A Perfect Computing World
I have a dream. In this dream, all our digital content is stored securely online in public data farms. Higher-education institutions have teamed together with goverments and the world’s largest corporations to create an infinite amount of storage space on the Web. Every person with access to the Internet also has access to this StorageWeb.… Continue reading A Perfect Computing World
Personal Update
Fun/interesting things I’ve found around the web just recently: (Yes, this is entirely for the purpose of padding my tech/nerd karma – see below for the actual post) EPIC 2015 – A Flash animation depicting a future dystopia where Google and Amazon combine, putting traditional media out of business. TechCrunch – A technology blog that… Continue reading Personal Update
The Mile Wide Road Conspiracy
(this is a long post, so brainless zombies should skip to the pictures at the end) Some years back, I heard a rumor from my buddies that there was an old shady road at the west end of Speedway. It was described to me as a dirt road (which Speedway turns into), where one travels… Continue reading The Mile Wide Road Conspiracy
Jenny’s Got a Gun Blog
Sorry, no more Aerosmith references, I promise. Jenny hooked herself up to xanga (without my help I might add) and has officially joined the blogosphere. Why she didn’t just post here, I’m not sure of. I’d pick self-hosted WordPress over Xanga any day. I guess that defines the difference between Geek and Not-Geek. Jenny’s Blog
And the winner is… PODxt Live!
So here’s what I just spent $$$ on: 36 amp models (vintage & modern, Fenders, Marshalls, Vox, etc.) 24 cabinet models with 4 mic models 80+ stompbox and studio effects, including everything from my DL-4 Delay Modeler (we’re talking distortion pedals, fuzz, chorus, synth, flangers, phasers, compressors, reverbs, and stuff I can’t even describe) Built-in… Continue reading And the winner is… PODxt Live!
PODful Birthday
My birthday is coming up in a couple weeks, and I’m now having a decision nightmare. Here’s a little background first: the only mp3 player I own is a 512MB iPod Shuffle, and I haven’t bought any guitar gear in almost 4 years! I can’t decide what I want for my birthday. I really want… Continue reading PODful Birthday
New Job and New Chapter in Life
I’ve been hired as the assistant audio engineer at Pantano Christian Church, one of Tucson’s semi-mega-churches. There will be good times ahead. Currently, I’m responsible for running the monitor console, as well as front-of-house when I’m needed. I have a lot of goals for the future of the sound ministry at PCC, and this is… Continue reading New Job and New Chapter in Life