Why I’m Not Using Ubuntu 6.10

Some people argue that upgrading Ubuntu is easy if you don’t install hacky scripts. There is a very specific reason why I’m not using the latest version of my favorite Linux distribution, Ubuntu. The 6.10 “Edgy Eft” release was announced October 26, 2006. Rather than upgrading immediately, I chose to wait at least a day… Continue reading Why I’m Not Using Ubuntu 6.10

Categorized as Linux, Ubuntu

Ubuntu 6.06 LTS is released, I possibly have no life

https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2006-June/000083.html Considering it is 2:40am, I’m sitting in a Freenode chatroom (#Ubuntu) with over 1000 other geeks, and until just a few moments ago was eagerly anticipating the scheduled release of the next version of Ubuntu. Not only did I feel the Internet noticeably slow (okay that’s hyperbole), I’m watching before my very eyes a… Continue reading Ubuntu 6.06 LTS is released, I possibly have no life

On MySpace Lameness

MySpace is a horrible excuse and attempt at a social networking site. I was playing the “social networking” game way back before the first “Dot Bomb,” and in the primitive vernacular, it was called “Six Degrees.” Now, MySpace is spreading like a viral disease, infecting innocent and formerly sane Millenials, while leaving a trail of… Continue reading On MySpace Lameness

Categorized as Ubuntu, Web

From Blue to Brown

Warning! The following post uses a lot of techno-babble and less-than-well-known Linux terms. If you are not familiar with the GNU/Linux operating system, it would help to read this simple Wikipedia explanation first. I have also attempted to provide links for further clarification when using the names of specific Linux programs. It has been almost… Continue reading From Blue to Brown