Speck of My Soul

I have a lot of song ideas. I tend to create short loops in Reason, or sometimes use the Voice Recorder on my iPhone, and sometimes they just stay in my head. Most of the time, those song ideas go exactly nowhere. Other times, Jenny also has a song idea, and we combine the two to make a song baby (song babies look nothing like soot sprites, pictured, just in case you were wondering). And so it was that Jenny had some lyrics and some melodies and I had some beats and some more melodies, and we begat “Speck of My Soul.” Be sure to listen to the whole ditty (it’s a full song download this time) because the ending is full of so much awesome it might actually be in danger of peeing its pants (well, it is a baby after all so I guess that’d be fine).

Download “Speck of My Soul”

Photo by monkwhy, via a CC License

By Philip Cain

Ninja Master of the Series of Tubes, musician, audio engineer and geek. More about Philip...


  1. Wow. Beautious. Rae and I both LOVE it. I think it sounds like something that Sarah Brightman might sing. It also encourages me because I have a collection of “ditties” or “riffs” that I play over and over again on the guitar. It gives me hope that someday they’ll all come together as a composition. Beautiful voice. Great sounds. Love it, Love it, Love it.

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