Randy Garsee: The Decapitated Talking Head

Randy Garsee, the top news anchor in Southern Arizona, was apparently fired on Tuesday. Rumor has it that he sent an email critical of KOLD-13 management. I tend to prefer Guy Atchley and KGUN-9, when I actually watch the news, but I feel like Randy Garsee (and Kris Pickle, who left a few months ago) is (or was) the face of Tucson news.

There are two very good things that come out of this situation:

1. Reporters should, by nature, challenge everything. Including authority. If KOLD management doesn’t understand that, then I’m not interested in watching their (boring, censored, totalitarian) newscast. Randy Garsee is now a reporter/anchor who I can cautiously trust. He challenges his authority at work, so maybe he is inclined to challenge any authority of wrongdoing…

2. Randy Garsee is a blogger. Blogs may not still be around in 20 years, but they will have evolved into some form of mass Internet communication that also replaced the need for traditional news sources. I expect to see more freelance reporting through the blog medium in the near future.

Check out his blog – http://randygarsee.blogspot.com/

By Philip Cain

Ninja Master of the Series of Tubes, musician, audio engineer and geek. More about Philip...

1 comment

  1. Randy Garsee never lost HIS head, the loss was felt by the “heads” of his former job ! Many folks, including myself have felt his loss.
    Anyone clever enough to see the potential in hireing this former anchor should receive a dozen or so ” atta boys” ! !
    There’s a blank spot on the news channel that Mr. Garsee at one time graced, he IS missed, and that news spot now “sucks” !
    Here’s many kudos to Mr. Randy Garsee and his new career.

    Mac L. Pakula

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