I’m disabling the comment moderation feature. This means first-time commenters should be able leave a comment and it will appear instantly. I had been policing the comments because of a recent spam outbreak, but I think it’s under control now. So, no more waiting a few hours for me to check my email and see… Continue reading Comment system
Category: Blogs
Combined blogs
Jenny and I are trying an experiment – combining our blogs. I imported as much as I could from her Xanga site. We’ll probably also be working on a new theme that fits the new site name – Philip and Jenny Cain: InspiredMumblings. (Hopefully it means I’ll stop ranting about politics) Everyone should benefit –… Continue reading Combined blogs
I recently discovered a new addition to the WordPress family: WordPressMU (multi-user). It is basically a single installation of WordPress, modified to allow multiple blogs per user and multiple users per blog. Translation: it is a near-perfect content management system for businesses and organizations who want a CMS instead of paying a proper webmaster. I’ll… Continue reading WordPressMU
Lifehacking: Organizing Your Life
I recently stumbled upon several blogs that are devoted to a single topic – organizing your life. The buzzword for this in the blogosphere is “lifehacking.” It originated as a programmers’ term, but has recently broadened its scope to include all sorts of productivity areas. Technology is supposed to make our lives more productive. But… Continue reading Lifehacking: Organizing Your Life