Do you ever feel like you just don’t care? Like somebody is talking to you about something, and you know that you are “supposed” to care about it, but all you can manage is a good fake smile. I feel that way sometimes, and I even want to care, but I don’t. At least, not… Continue reading 8 Questions for the American Church
Category: Theology
Religion, Christianity, etc.
I’m a Heretic
Oh wow. Here’s a a small snippet from the online discussion going on at Pantano right now: “The Webster’s definition of heresy: ‘1. a religious belief opposed to the orthodox doctrines of a church. 2. any opinion opposed to established views.’” With that definition, there’s no question that I’m a heretic… in fact I embrace… Continue reading I’m a Heretic
Am I Internally Motivated?
If I truly was, I wouldn’t have time to even ask the question. “The more I consider this, the more I think that true disciples who are truly doing the work don’t have a lot of time to think about their standing before God or their motivations or about their own sin. They simply go… Continue reading Am I Internally Motivated?
A Contrarian’s Guide to Knowing God
After reading this blog post, I felt disgusted with what this guy had to say. I was really disappointed to see yet another “emergent legalist” (I made that term up, but it fits nicely) damning churches, especially churches without membership, by-laws or elders. (What he said about worship, however, I mostly agreed with). The one… Continue reading A Contrarian’s Guide to Knowing God
You mean we don’t stop getting older?
It happened 3 months ago, but I’m just now realizing the full scope and damage of an ever-moving life and reaching 24 years. Life is short and eternity is long. To quote Pastor John Piper, “too long to regret a wasted life.” Although we have no control of it, we are…we exist, and will exist… Continue reading You mean we don’t stop getting older?
Just love.
I finally listened to the Catalyst podcast episodes with Rob Bell (pastor of Mars Hill). I recently made conversation with some friends about what we consider “deep” or “profound” in reference to sermons and worship. Rob Bell, in my humble opinion, is deep. Not lofty theological, but intelligent and challenging even while stating what might… Continue reading Just love.
Tips for writing a successful hymn
This article once existed on BBC’s servers, in their Religion & Ethics section. I found it through a Wikipedia link. It has since disappeared, but the Google Cache was still intact (thankfully). I’m saving it from eternal damnation, so enjoy this lost Internet gem! Tips for writing a successful hymn Stuart Townend There are probably… Continue reading Tips for writing a successful hymn
The Case for ESV
I hate arguing for argument’s sake, but I do feel that the use of “The Message” in a church setting is impactful enough for my critiques to be heard. The issue at hand isn’t one translation versus another. This issue is the philosophy behind the translation process. “The Message” is a colloquial paraphrase of the… Continue reading The Case for ESV
Goodness. This site is deep, and explores everything from the basic tenets of Calvinism to the far reaches and interpretations of paedo-baptism vs. credo-baptism. It may just become my new favorite reading source. Visit the Center for Reformed Theology and Apologetics next chance you get.
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