3 Years of Blogging

I’m sorry I had to expose you to that Christopher Walken hilarity, but he’s just so addictively funny. I just realized that, as of this month, I’ve been blogging on philipandjenny.com for 3 years. My first post (on April 1, 2005) mentioned the WordPress/Google-spam controversy, and my second post had this wonderfully sacrilicious quote: But,… Continue reading 3 Years of Blogging

WordPress 2.5

I upgraded our blogging software to WordPress 2.5 today. It has a really snazzy new interface. I’m testing it extensively to determine the upgrade path for Pantano’s website, which is also WordPress powered. You may also notice that InspiredMumblings looks a little different. I found a nice, simple design that was widget-ready. We’ll probably keep… Continue reading WordPress 2.5

Surge in Recent Activity

So Phil “inspired” me (get it? I was inspired by InspiredMumblings? hahahah…..) to write a post. More like post a pic. A few weekends ago, I flew out to San Diego for the Harrison Fest. Coincidentally enough, it was a family reunion that was put together b/c my Nana turned 80….must be the thing to… Continue reading Surge in Recent Activity

Categorized as Personal

insert obligatory apology here

Obligatory Apology (thanks to Matt, btw, for the update post format I’ve borrowed) Wow, I’ve become fantastically awful at blogging regularly. I hear that the less you blog, the more likely your friends will remove you from their blogrolls and feedreaders. Hey, at least we’ve seen some pic postings from Jenny at various big events… Continue reading insert obligatory apology here


I hope you have a wonderful day as a 25 year old! I love you with all my heart, and I am thankful to share this day with you!

Categorized as Personal

Summer is over???

Where did it go? What did I do with all that time? Oh yeah…I traveled a lot! I had a great summer, and I am actually excited about being back to work. I think a big part of that is only being at ONE school, instead of two! It is wonderful!!!! I don’t know how… Continue reading Summer is over???