I needed mulch to help retain the moisture for my darling startlings. Red is so much more fun than brown.
Category: Gardening
Little Baia’s Beginnings of Bottled Borders
The bordering of my raised beds has begun! Thanks to our St. Patty’s day party and our beer-loving friends we had an abundance of bottles to begin the borders. I know before I said I was going to use wine bottles, but I realized beer bottles would work just as well, and we come by… Continue reading Little Baia’s Beginnings of Bottled Borders
[flickr-gallery mode=”photoset” photoset=”72157623664938402/”] Within just a few days of warm weather, everything is in bloom! My petunias are spilling over pots like crazy. The vinca vine is no longer content to hide in the corner, choosing instead to draw attention by its purple flowers. From the octopus agave shooting an insanely tall bloom into the… Continue reading Springyness
Little Baia
Here is my garden, or Little Baia, in phase two of its construction. Zucchini, cucumber, carrots, lettuce, radishes, and green beans will be planted from seed. Tomatoes, peppers and various herbs will be transplanted in. I started to plant some seeds today but the wind blew those plans away. After the plants are in the… Continue reading Little Baia
Inspirational Seeds
When it comes to planting something new, I am not the most patient of gardeners. I rarely use seeds, choosing to buy transplant-readies instead. However, after planting some sunflower and basil seeds, I am inspired to start from seed more in the future. There is something magicalicious about tossing seeds into freshly turned dirt. There… Continue reading Inspirational Seeds
Inspired by Pythagoras
In high school, I earned mostly straight A’s. One exception was geometry. I struggled with that damn subject. Yesterday, geometry came back to haunt me. I needed to make a 4 foot square (but turned to look like a diamond) in the exact middle of a huge rectangle space. I tried and tried to get… Continue reading Inspired by Pythagoras
Since the name of our blog is “InspiredMumblings”, I’m currently inspired to mumble about my inspirations. And, I think to myself, what a witty theme to flavor my future blogs. Because, yes, I’m going to write more entries. So, I’ll start with some of my inpirings from the last two months. Veggies I have a… Continue reading Inspirations