Jenny Cain


Hi! I’m a spunky free-spirit musician/artist/seamstress/gardener, and I share this blog with my husband, Phil. Whilst his blogs are uber nerdy, technical and deep, mine are light, fun and generally more suited to female interests. I usually have a project going that is either about cooking, gardening, sewing, or crafting.


I enjoy doing acoustic covers of popular songs with my ukuleles. I also create an occasional song baby with Phil. People ask me about my influences, and I tell them Ingrid Michaelson, Kate Walsh, Priscilla Ahn, and Feist.


I teach music to little peeps at an elementary school. I majored in this at the U of A, and have been doing it since I graduated in 2004. I also teach private piano, voice and guitar lessons to a range of ages.

Bucket List

  • Go to Europe
  • Go to Asia
  • Go back to Europe
  • Write/record/produce an album (working on it)
  • Go on a cruise
  • See New York

Other Endeavors For Funsies

I train dogs. I shop. I sew. I draw/paint. I nurture my millions of plants. I cook and bake. I read lots of blogs and books.