Bountiful and Bountifail (Garden) Part 5


I need to preface by saying that yes, the fact that anything is growing at all is a success.  However, through my tye dye colored lenses, I’m evaluating the time invested and the spaced used (which is very limited).  That is all.



Eggplants. These ones are Japanese Eggplants, which are smaller and skinnier. I prefer these over regular ones. I have one of those, too (referred to as Black Beauty). Japanese Eggplants do remarkably well here. If you were going to plant one vegetable, and you loved eggplants, this would be the one. Last year I had one that produced non stop from June til October. Phil was quite sick of eggplant, and he’s not even crazy about it to begin with. The fun thing about these is that as soon as you see a flower you know an eggplant will follow. No cross pollination needed. This one, however, isn’t producing hardly at all. Last year’s I bought from Lowe’s instead of starting from seed like this year. Again, slow to produce. I’ve had only 4 from this plant, and none from the Black Beauty. I’m disappointed because this year I was prepared with lots of recipes to use for my expected over-abundance.  Sigh. Another bountifail.

Update: (7-21-11) A Black Beauty has been spotted. I repeat, a Black Beauty has been spotted!



Categorized as Gardening

By Jenny Cain

Spunky musician, artist, seamstress and horticulturalist. More about Jenny...