DIY Plant Labels

This conversation has been repeated many times in our kitchen while cooking dinner together:

“Phil, will you get me some mint from the garden?”
“Uhhhh, which one is mint?”
“The green, leafy plant by the stepping stones.”
“Honey, they are all green and leafy!”
“But it’s the only one that smells minty!”
“I’ll finish chopping the veggies and you go get the mint.”

There have been many variations to this banter involving basil, parsely, cilantro, chives, etc. Finally, Phil requested that I make labels for all the plants. Sigh, ok. But keeping a garden of my size adds up, and I was reluctant to spend more money for essentially a non-essential item. Especially when I have 30+ variety of plants in there.

I had a few of these, a find from Target’s dollar spot a few years ago. I adore these. Such a simple design… Hmmmm, how can I just make some myself? Well after digging around in closets inside an out, looking for reusable materials, even though I didn’t know what materials I wanted, I came across these:

Why I ever saved these is a mystery to me. But I’m glad I did. They are already made to stake in the ground and label plants! Next, I needed to make the label different, obviously, and much bigger (not digging the teeny tiny print). I pulled out our trusty duck tape and got to work.

I was inspired to use duct tape when I remembered my cousin, Ryan, and his talent for creating things out of duct tape.

Grabbed a sharpie, did some writing and even added some doodling on there and….

Tada! A cute, readable, cost-me-nothing plant label. Here are some shots of them at home in the garden:

By Jenny Cain

Spunky musician, artist, seamstress and horticulturalist. More about Jenny...


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