What a beauty! My personal fave is the bean tower. Or maybe it’s the out-of-control tomatoes. Or possibly the squash pile. Or the fact that my chard is now pickable!
The gourds, cucumbers, watermelons and sunflowers are well on their way too! I currently have 5 eggplants growing, a million green cherry tomatoes, and some peppers maturing. Mmmmmm…
p.s “oops” about having a random red pot in the picture. I was experimenting with stacking pots to give my tomatoes something to lean on.
Looks amazing Jenny! I wish my garden was flourishing like this! I think we need to water more…
Thanks! I picked two eggplants this morning, and a bunch of herbs! I also gave my gourds and cucumbers things to climb up.
Did you guys try the flood method I told you about? Flood your box for about an hour every other day….just let the hose sit in there on a low flow. This encourages the roots to grow deep. I’m available for consultation! Lol