Inspired by Time

Yesterday I made this necklace from the face of a watch and some random clock hands. While driving home today, I decided it would make a good blog topic. The whole inspiration behind this blog is the different projects I am doing. And the inspiration behind those projects is time. As it is cliché-edly said, “So much to do. So little time.”

I love to make jewelry, and want to make more of it. I found these pieces  at a wholesale location of the gem show.  I could have spent hundreds of dollars at the stand where I found these, but I didn’t. However, I know about it and will plan for it next year.  I realized that I only make a piece of jewelry when I am inspired by a unique piece. Then the problem becomes that I like it so much I don’t want to sell it!

We all have time, no matter what the current quantity. What are you going to do with yours?

Categorized as Jewelry

By Jenny Cain

Spunky musician, artist, seamstress and horticulturalist. More about Jenny...


  1. At the Gem Show next year you will need to buy multiples of everything! Then, maybe, money will be made!

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