We left town yesterday for a week. We are currently in Overgaard, AZ (somewhere in between Payson and Sholow) for a family reunion with all of Phil’s extended family. The cabins we are staying in are very nice, so far the food is pretty decent, and the weather is cooler than Tucson by about 10 degrees. I am having fun getting to know family I’ve never met before, or have not spent much time with before. I am the official photographer for the event, and Matt Munsey is so kindly loaning me his Canon Rebel XT.
On Monday we leave for Riverside, CA to join up with Lyle, Neal and Matt (Bohling) to play for a high school camp. This is our third summer playing for this camp. It is usually in Point Loma, but they moved it to Cal Baptist this year (sigh). It is going to be a long drive out there….7 hours and 56 minutes, according to google maps. Fun times.
Lili and our new kitty, who we have named Littleone, are getting along splendidly, as you will see below. We had some trouble getting her to use the litter box, but we appeared to have success before we left town (thank goodness!). We have a friend, Aline, who is kindly house sitting for us while we are gone.