The Political Compass

I found a site that has a test you can take which will measure where you are on the political compass. The idea is that the traditional left/right political scale only accurately measures economics, so they’ve made created a compass that has social politics on an up-down scale. The site is internationally acclaimed. It’s important to note that where they say “neo-liberalism” they are referring to the economic right, the opposite of communism, which in America we label “conservatism.” I understand the logic. That would mean that most American conservatives prefer a “liberal” (as in free) market economy, which on this chart places them on the right.

So here is where I score – My Political Compass.

Economic Left/Right: -6.38
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -6.82

And here’s a chart provided by the site, to which I added myself, using my score values. I guess I better go get some literature on The Dalai Lama.
International Chart

Take the test!

Categorized as Politics

By Philip Cain

Ninja Master of the Series of Tubes, musician, audio engineer and geek. More about Philip...


  1. I scored -3.0 in econ and a -2.21 in social. I’m pretty close to the midle, which is what I figured. I tend to find my self nuetral in most arguments. Not because I am un opinionated, but because I see good and bad points on both sides usually. I am a big fan of challenging authority, but more for the sake finding out things for my self than just to challenge authority. Econimically I thought I would be more conservative. Not a big fan of handing out money. I think it was because the of the questions were vague enough where I could see a reason to say yes or no to certain things. Very interesting test all in all though.

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