SOPA and PIPA are copyright bills that are coming up to a vote soon in US Congress. SOPA – the “Stop Online Piracy Act” – is the House version, and PIPA – the “Protect IP Act” – is the Senate version. You may have heard SOPA and PIPA mentioned in the news recently. You may… Continue reading SOPA and PIPA Explained
Category: Copyleft
Some Thoughts on Copyright
Cory Doctorow, a co-editor of Boing Boing and a published author, has a little FAQ* over on his Overclocked book site. I’ve quoted it here and added a few things in bold, which really make this a great copyright liberation manifesto for the new digital millennium. After arguing with a friend about possible legislative reduction… Continue reading Some Thoughts on Copyright
In Defense of Complaining
Should companies be immune from complaints? Cory Doctorow put together an answer to that question. Cory is one of my new heroes, I think. I’m always astounded by this reaction. Companies aren’t charities. They’re businesses. It doesn’t matter why they’re offering an unacceptable product — all that matters is that the product is unacceptable. Companies… Continue reading In Defense of Complaining