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Author: Philip Cain
Ninja Master of the Series of Tubes, musician, audio engineer and geek. More about Philip...
This is the best garden we’ve ever had and it was completely unintentional. #monstervine #tomatoesfordays #chickenpoopsoil #swampcoolerdrainage
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Back in the office.
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A little morning scenic drive
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Self-serve craft beer taps in Kailua! Bracelet you get at the door connects to each tap screen to track your pours.
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If we opened a veggie restaurant on Kauai we’d call it The Chicken Pigeon
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Marketing for the win
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Painted and soldered! Needs a splash of color that I’ll add later. Here’s what it does: 4 knobs with expression outputs to plug into any 4 expression inputs (like on the Strymon Timeline, Line 6 M13, etc). The footswitch toggles between Knob 4 (bottom left) and an extra expression pedal input, so you can swap values between a pedal and a knob. This is primarily for use with the Fractal AX8, which has 4 expression inputs and doesn’t have dedicated knobs for reverb/delay/bizarre twiddle type effects. #diy #guitarpedals #blackhillfx #youhavetouseyourhandsthatslikeababystoy #fractalaudio #pedalnerd
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Building a 4-knob expression controller with a bonus pedal input and a switch to toggle between the external pedal and Knob 1. I shall call it the EX4K. #diy #guitarpedals #blackhillfx
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Stage design is coming together nicely.
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