I’m sorry I had to expose you to that Christopher Walken hilarity, but he’s just so addictively funny. I just realized that, as of this month, I’ve been blogging on philipandjenny.com for 3 years. My first post (on April 1, 2005) mentioned the WordPress/Google-spam controversy, and my second post had this wonderfully sacrilicious quote:
But, in defense of my cool stuff, I use all of it for God’s glory some of the time, and some of it for God’s glory all of the time.
Wow, Phil. Very introspective.
The Past
Before InspiredElectrons, I kept a short-lived blog at blogger.com, but I think I hosed it at some point, and all future generations are left with is this mysterious post.
The Present
In January 2007, Jenny joined in the fun and we renamed the blog to InspiredMumblings, which I suppose was less technical (and therefore less scary?). Since then, it’s been fun mixing my random geek/tech/theology/political topics with her very much more sane personal updates and photoblogging.
The Future
Since I have no idea what the future will be like, I can’t accurately describe it; instead, we’ll do something completely random and make this section a tribute to the greatest hero of our time, Charlton Heston, who died Saturday. And who knows, maybe the future does hold something to look forward to, like being hunted by talking apes.