Day 30: Second to Last City
Crazy. Only two more cities left. Yinkou and Beijing. And the last show is in Yinkou. This trip has flown by! We had a full day for travel, and it was only flying. A short flight. From an airport in the actual city we were in. Heavenly. (My, how my expectations have changed!). Oh, and we didn’t have to leave until after lunch. Which meant we got to eat two more meals at the awesome hotel buffet. Yummmm.
So, off we go to the airport where we see the cutest kid ever (except for Dragon Plum, of course) pulling around a suitcase for entertainment.
The mom (she’s the one in pink) was actually walking around in circles so that he/she (I still can’t tell) would follow. Adorable!
Anyway, we do the airport thing – check in 46 people, and then wait in a long line for security.
Ken blended right in with all those Asians.
We fly like 2 hours or something. Then land.
Oh my, we are starting to blend right in! I have super squinty eyes and Phil has the classic Asian pose. (Yes, I know that statement was not politically correct. But if was funny, admit it).
Saw some more funny Chinglish signs …
What that is, I don’t even …
We arrive at the hotel and have dinner. There was a vegetarian table ready for us. Woohoo!
Actually, this is a pic of the carnivore table that I sat at before I knew there was an herbivore table.
We go up to our tiny, but very nice, clean and functional room.
The night view of the city was beautiful!
It was pouring rain, but we needed to make a convenient store run for water. So we trudged through the puddles with Ellie, got our wine .. err … water… (same difference!), and came back to the hotel lobby to just hang out. I went upstairs to get our slippers since our shoes were soaking wet. They totally fit Phil perfectly!
And we then we went to bed.