Apparently, text messaging is now essential to stay in communication with friends and family. I was asked this morning how I survive in this world without text messaging. My knowing that my brother was in town all hinged on a text message!! We actually have that featured turned off. We neither receive or send, because we are charged just to read a text message.
It used to be that having a cell phone was essential to communication with friends and family. Now it has moved on to text messaging. Hmmm. Friends and family, please remember that we can’t receive text messages, and therefore we need a phone call or email.
However, I did just call to find out what it would cost to add the luxury of text messaging onto our plan. It will cost us $10 more a month ($5 a phone) to add that feature on. Geez, that’s a little pricey. So, no text messaging for now.
It is interesting. We have the technology to project our voices through the atmosphere, and yet we regress back to type. I enjoy the ability to text, but I try to make it secondary to actually calling. Here and there for a quick message, but if something is of any importance, then I usually will call.
I wonder if texting stems from a sort of reclusive nature that we have. It gives us the ability to be social, but it limits the level of honest interaction. Texting does not have the ability to put us on the spot like vocal conversations do. When you have received a text you have more time to think and way the situation before responding. Though this can be useful at times, it still detracts from the personal element that a voice to voice conversation has. It is convenient, but convenience is rarely a good thing.
weigh, not way. Honestly, I have the spelling ability of a small child learning English as a second language. I should remedy that at some point.
True, true.
I think the allure of this feature is that there are times it can be more handy than just a cell phone. For example, in areas such as movies, class, libraries, etc, where talking is not permitted. Or, if you are with company and do not want to be rude by ignoring them to talk on the phone, a text message can be handy.
The lines of communication can stay wide open no matter where you are!
Text messaging is one of the greatest tools that has come out of the communication revolution (in my opinion) next to the internet and body language.
And thus we see how sarcasm is not effectively communicated through text. :)