Google Blogsearch

Holy crap awesome! It is crazy easy to find others’ blog posts, let alone my own posts. I think the technology that went into it included robots sniffing for WordPress and friends. Maybe blogs aren’t that overblown, after all? I for one welcome our new (well, not that new) Google overlords.

Categorized as Google

I Hate Gmail

Stupid Gmail. I hate Gmail. Stop threading messages. Since when should an email client make sense? Stop labeling messages and start putting them in folders. Since when should anything be organized? Stop giving me so much storage. Since when do online services offer something valuable? They keep adding more storage faster than I can keep… Continue reading I Hate Gmail

Categorized as Google

Google News RSS Feeds

So most of you know that I’ve been using to read about 20 RSS feeds, both blogs and news, for some time. You can see many of them in the Blogroll to the right. Big deal, I’ve still got information overload syndrome. But now Google just released a technology that NOT ONLY lets you… Continue reading Google News RSS Feeds

Categorized as Google