From a recent Reuters article I just finished perousing: “Natural disaster is caused by the sin in the world,” said Maj. John Jones, the group’s area commander. “The acts of God are what happens afterwards … all the good that happens.” So, then, what was the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah? What about the Great… Continue reading Katrina Disaster Not Void of Religious Fanatics
Category: Theology
Religion, Christianity, etc.
Who do you worship?
Who do you worship? Is it God, or is it Christian culture? Maybe you worship Hollywood. Didn’t Ben wear that outfit you have on, or wait, was it Elijah? {sarcasm}That Elijah is so hot right now!{/sarcasm} Or, maybe you worship all your cool stuff. (I’m assuming you have cool stuff, because if you live in… Continue reading Who do you worship?