As I was baking pumpkin pies this morning, using my Mom and I’s top-secret recipe, I was reminded of baking this same pumpkin pie in Havasu. I miss our Thanksgiving tradition in Havasu. The family gathered, all cozy in Mom and Dad’s house, bumping into each other in the kitchen as we bake and cook, sitting around the dining room table eating and being entertained by the girlies, drinking hot cocoa by the fire pit…
Well, that tradition is gone, but the memories aren’t. Enjoy my trip down memory lane of Thanksgivings past. Some from Havasu, some from Grandma’s here in Tucson. Some years have lots of picture, some have few. Some years I got all the family members at one point, some years there are mostly shots of the girlies.
Here’s to Thanksgiving 2010! (click on a pic to embiggen)