From Boring to Drama

After a spontaneous trip to IKEA we arrived home, arms laden, with a project for the kitchen – new lights! Previously a boring globe fixture with low wattage, now a dramatic 5-bulb light.  We also installed under-cabinet lights. The difference is fantastic!

Another dramatic change from our excursion was installing a huge mirror for my dressing room. Using 1 foot tiles of mirror that were the easiest thing in the world to install (peel and stick), we created a 4 ft x 3 ft mirror.

Cooking and dressing are so much more fun now!

Categorized as Home

By Jenny Cain

Spunky musician, artist, seamstress and horticulturalist. More about Jenny...

1 comment

  1. Hi Jen and Phil,

    I like da kitchen lights. They look cool. I like well lit rooms- mostly because they help this going blind papa see better. But, especially in kitchens for some reasons. I like your site. I’ll try and come here more often. How hard would it be for me to start my own blog site? Here’s a sample of the stuff I might write on it.

    “‘I’m having good strong vibes and “revelations” here on Kauai. I love this place. The Hawaiians are really not a whole lot different than the American indians, especially in terms of their displacement by western entrepeneures and settlers. Yet, the Hawaiians have this glow. Inspite of their “displacement”, they still radiate with love and joy. Even in spite of being displaced, they continue to reach out with love and aloha. There really is an ‘aloha spirit’ in them. Not the ‘depressed’ dimenor or vibe I pick up when on the average American indian reservation. The Hawaiians attribute this feeling of aloha to the land (aina) and the sea (kai). They pick up the aloha from the surrounding beauty, bounty and blessing of life on the land and in the sea. Since I’ve been here, I can attest to this ‘energy’ that makes you feel so freakin’ good. There have been times when I’ve been in the water and felt almost instantly and magically rejuvenated. I’m sure there are a number of scientific explanations for such feelings and phenomena. But, it’s easy to see how and why people here could see ‘God’ in the structures of the land and creatures of the sea. You feel this place impart some kind of energy or life while you are here. You feel this blessing from the island. I miss my family terribly, some days to the point of tears. But, I feel so alive here.

    Yes, I’m going somewhat ‘new age’. And, I could go on and on about how I am beginning to see that as humans (no matter what religion you are) we are evolving in our awareness of our existence and slowly but surely responding to ‘life’ in more and more ethical, civilized or evolved ways and means.'”

    Now that you’ve read some of what I am thinking and feeling, maybe you DON’T want to tell me how start a blog site of my own. LOL

    Anyway, I’ll try and visit here more often. It will give me at least a portion of the ‘my kid’ fix that I miss and need.

    Hope you both have a wonderful day.

    Luv you mucho,

    D. Saddy

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