Surge in Recent Activity

So Phil “inspired” me (get it? I was inspired by InspiredMumblings? hahahah…..) to write a post. More like post a pic. A few weekends ago, I flew out to San Diego for the Harrison Fest. Coincidentally enough, it was a family reunion that was put together b/c my Nana turned 80….must be the thing to do when someone turns 80. It was really fun to see all my extended family again. I had not seen them since our wedding (yikes!) Phil was not able to go due to work, hence he is not in the picture.

Here is my immediate family with my Nana, or as we now call her b/c of Belle – “Super Nana”

There are more pictures from the Harrison Fest ’08 on my flickr site. Enjoy!

Categorized as Personal

By Jenny Cain

Spunky musician, artist, seamstress and horticulturalist. More about Jenny...

1 comment

  1. I TOTALLY covet your skirt… I have to confess it as sin… hhehehee

    For reals.. .your skirt is adorable and you look super cute… love you xoxoox

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