My summer break technically started a week ago. But, alas, I had a workshop all week long, 8 am -4 pm every day. And now….I’M DONE!!!!! So summer vacation officially begins right…NOW!
Whatever am I going to do with all this time off?? It usually takes me a few weeks to adjust from the busy-busy-Jenny to the complete-and-total-slug Jenny. Well, I have aspirations of painting the office and reorganizing/redecorating it. I hope to get that done before the slug transformation happens. I will also sleep in, watch movies in the middle of the day, give my plants some TLC, read and play World of Warcraft.
Sigh….I love summer.
Gardening will be fun, and if you get bored, you can always come over and help me with my back yard :P
WoW got you to now huh? I started up again last night. I got the expansion for my birthday so… You and Phil should make characters on silvermoon and play with us!