Caribbean Cruise: Part 2

Day 5: St. Bart’s

This island is very small, French, and very ritzy/expensive. Fancy shops lined the streets (Louis Vitton, Cartier, etc), and everything was in Euro, which is not cheaper than the dollar.

We had to tender in (aka, take a small shuttle boat). Huge cruise ships cannot even get close enough to tender. I had fun exploring by myself in the morning. I got to try out some (very basic) French, and snap tons of beautiful pictures.

Just your average street …


Pretty foliage


The shutters on windows were one of my favorite things to look at on every island.


Wandered up a hill, and got a stunning view of the harbor.


Went back to the ship, ate lunch, dragged Phil out, walked to Shell Beach.


It’s called Shell Beach because …

There are (tumbled and smooth) shells everywhere!

That pile to my left is all shells.

More photos of St. Bart’s here.

Day 6: St. Kitt’s

Happy Thanksgiving! I had to spend it alone until the BBQ dinner later that night. Phil was suuuuper busy getting everything set up for it.

So I wandered out on my own …

Did some shopping …

Wandered around Basseterre …


Went back to the ship, ate lunch with Phil, then caught a taxi with a Swedish couple from the ship to South Friar’s Bay. It was … alright. I was actually quite disappointed because it looked like a California beach, not a Caribbean beach. There was tons of seaweed. And there was a tractor digging over on one side so it wasn’t even peaceful. I know, I know … I shouldn’t complain. But I’m just being honest!


I headed back to the ship around sunset. I watched the most gorgeous sunset from the ship!


During this they were preparing for the Thanksgiving BBQ. They set up tables all over the pool deck.

Phil and his tech crew were busy doing sound checks.

I was quite busy myself …

Let the festivities begin!

The musicians put on a show. I became good friends with that cute little lady in the middle, Amanda.

Our friends, John and Bridgette, from Denmark, joined us at our table.

Then it turned into a dance party!

Happy Thanksgiving!

All pics from St. Kitt’s here.


Next up – Antigua and St. Lucia!



Categorized as Cruises

By Jenny Cain

Spunky musician, artist, seamstress and horticulturalist. More about Jenny...