Ministry Tip of the Day: Don’t be cheesy

Pat RobertsonCheesy –
Of poor quality through being overdramatic, excessively emotional or clichéd
a cheesy song
a cheesy movie

Corny –
1. Insipid or trite
The duct tape and wire were a pretty corny solution.

2. Hackneyed or excessively sentimental.
The movie was okay, but the love scene was really corny.

When planning sermons, lessons, books or songs, don’t be cheesy or corny. It doesn’t work (unless you are a Christian comedian, in which case, repent immediately). :)

Anyone of a sensible upbringing or intelligent background shouldn’t appreciate cheese, corn, fluff or frills in their theology. And, any Millennial, regardless of background, loathes these things. If you’d like your message to be heard, understood, and appreciated, then know your audience and keep things real.

Categorized as Ministry

By Philip Cain

Ninja Master of the Series of Tubes, musician, audio engineer and geek. More about Philip...

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